So much fun!
Spring has certainly sprung here in Western North Carolina, and with that comes more landscaping 🌿 🪓 🔥
April’s cleanup was more about weed-whacking and blowing out the dead leaves from last year that sat on the ground all winter long. We’ve had a very rainy and wet month, followed by about a week in the 70’s, followed by a drop to about the 50’s. This drop in temperature is what motivated me to get out there and put some work in. For one thing, the lower temperatures make it more pleasant to spend the day outside working without all the sweat and heat exhaustion. Possibly more beneficial than that, however, is the fact that the critters are still mostly at rest so I have a far less likelihood of a chance encounter with potential conflict.

It took about two batteries’ worth of Leaf Blowing to get this pile set up. I also walked the hill above the driveway and tossed down whatever limbs and branches I could handle. I ended up dragging a few fallen trees down, which can be seen in some of the later photos.

I’ve learned that I record waaaay too much video when I burn leaves, so instead of setting up a tripod and recording every minute of the burn, I picked a few moments to record for you.
Enjoy the 🔥 !
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